Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 9: Slanter

Pick one concept, idea or exercise from the assigned reading, that we have no already discussed, that you found useful or interesting, and discuss it.

Chapter nine starts off with talking about thee term Slanter. The term slanter is the term to describe an item used to convince or pursue with word choice that hides a dubious claim. this is used to try to get people to believe a dubious claim, it wants us to think something is true. I find this a bit confusing to understand, ii had to read it a few times before understanding it and i still dont know if i completely understand. the definition is worded weird, but i provide an example of what i think is portrays; how was the halloween party you were invited to go? did you have a good time?-- answer "why do you ask as if i attended?" the answer to the question is what slanter is. it answers a question in a mischievous way as if something is being hidden. does this sound accurate?

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