Thursday, November 11, 2010

week 10: Types of Reasoning

1). Reasoning by Analogy
P1: Older People drive slow
P2: my cousin just turned 9 and my dad turned 46
Conclusion: my cousin drives faster than my dad

2). Sign Reasoning
there must be a great sale, theres a lot of people at the mall.

3). Causal Reasoning
Every time i hit the snooze button, i'm late for work.

4). Reasoning by Criteria
You are a huge fan of Usher, are you sure you want to miss the concert?

5). Reasoning by Example
You should definitely go with Progressive. I have progressive and they are both reliable and affordable.

6). Inductive
my mom drink a glass of lemonade every morning. Tomorrow, early in the morning she will drink another glass of lemonade.

7). Deductive
pam prepared a cake
the cake had strawberries.
pam prepared strawberries.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I enjoyed reading this post of all your examples because I noticed that just as the professor advised, all of your examples are relative modern examples. I think when an example is generally more modern, especially for a young person like me, I notice that they are more easily relatable which in turn makes them much more easy to understand and make examples of my own. I especially liked your Reasonign by Criteria example becasue I noticed that I had kind of a hard time with it. Did you have any issues with making any of the examples and how did you overcome them? THANKS!
