Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 9: Appeal to Emotion

Discuss the idea of Appeal to Emotion. There are different aspects of Appeal to Emotion, which type of Appeal to Emotion strikes you, and why?

Appeal to emotion referes to a reaction based on feeling to something that happens; so acting based on how you feel or what your opinion is. An example of this can be easily seen on our day to day lives ill use and example that one might see in a work environment. So if an employee has a really good relationship with his or her manager and the team is very easy going, it is less likely for the manager to be strict with the employee or call them to attention for attendance issues, performance, etc. because they have a tight bond. I had a customer recently who told me she had recently gotten pulled over by a cop, she showed the cop her drivers license and he noticed she had a police sticker on it. He asked if he worked for a county and she responded that her son did.. the cop smiled and gave her the ID back and let her off on a warning. this is also an example of appeal to emotion. But, there are different levels of appeal to emotion, appeal to fear is one that stands out to me the most. This is something i come across alot and everyone for that matter. With the way laws are worded to start off. the "click it or ticket" i completely agree with using a seatbelt but people buckle up not only for safety but because they fear the ticket price! this manipulates people into wanting to "click it."

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