Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 8: Response 3

Pick one concept in the class that we have covered so far in the class that you think needs further discussion. Please do some additional web research on that particular topic and discuss what you have found. Include weblinks in your blog post so the class can see what you have researched, and so the class can gain greater understanding of that particular topic.

A topic that i found very important to understand was the topic of Principle of Rational and the concept of Repairing Arguments. Since this topic is so commonly practices, i think we should have more exercises to practice this. I was able to tell apart a few different principles of arguments and i was also able to repair a few but they were all very simple examples. a more complex example i think would be harder for me to resolve. having more practice i think would benefit us. more guidance would also be good! i likes this topic a lot. i could not provide with a link to support what i would like to have more practice on. I was unable to find a strong example that would be complex, any suggestions?

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