Friday, November 12, 2010

Week 10: Understanding

Sometimes when something is diffciult to understand, it becomes a bit clearer when we try to explain it to someone else. Which type of reasoning was most difficult to understand? Please do some additional internet research on that specific type of reasoning and discuss what you learned.

after giving examples of all of the different types of reasonings, i found two that were a bit confusing. both Deductive and Reasoning by Analogy were a bit difficult for me to understand at first. I might still not understand but they both seem to be very similar to one another. Even after reading multiple web pages an blogs, the examples that i have been seeing are not so much different from one another. the reasoning in a deductive argument is set to be true, or in other words, valid. but what is true then about reasoning by analogy? wouldn't this also be a true statement? or argument? even the examples that i provided in an earlier post sound alike in terms of reasoning pattern so there might be something im not quiet catching, any ideas?

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