Tuesday, September 28, 2010

week 5: Argument

Come up with your own example and 'discuss' it as they do in the text. To accomplish this, you should understand the Principle of Rational Discussion and the concept of Repairing Arguments.


ME: Old people like at a slow paste. The cannot drive. They are always scared.

them: So?

ME: So, old people should not be aloud to drive on the freeway.

Them: umm?

analysis, in reality, the argument is not strong. the claims are all individual and they do not all tie in together. The premises does not lead to the conclusion. these are not necessarily true facts but if they were, but stating things that are obvious, the argument would still be false or not strong because you need to have claims that can support the conclusion.

(this topic was taken from a research paper i did a few years back, i dont really support this idea)

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