Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 3: Rational Discussion

In regards to "strawman" i will be explaining the fallacy.

"It is easier to knock down someone's argument if you misrepresent it, putting words in the other person's mouth."

This basically explains that in some occasions, people might find it easier to mislead someones argument by putting words into someones mouth. This can hold to be either true or false. In some cases people indirectly say things and when people catch the direction of the argument, they bring it up and it might be seen as "putting words into someones mouth" but then on the flip side, it might just be a thought taken from the clouds.

An example ive recently heard was actuall a few days ago at work, it stood out to me because i thought it was funny. i was talking to my manager while interacting with a customer. we were talking about going to the gym and playing tennis. i said to my customer" that sounds like a lot of fun, we should arrange to go" my manager said " yea that would be fun" i responded, "wait you cant go" he then asked "why because im fat?" it was funny but i actually thought it was creepy to hang out with him =/ haha.

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