Saturday, September 18, 2010

week 3: Communication channels

In chapter four of the essential guide to group communication, we read about communication channels.  As stated in the book, communication chanels are paths of basic communication from one party to another.  This example was focused on communication within a company rank, meaning from the 'bottom' of the company up to the big dogs.  I was able to relate to this part of the reading because I myself work in a company that has these 'paths' just like all other companies. I am a rep. And it's almost impossible to get ahold of my district manager past my store manager let alone the  president of my company.  The chart that was presented in the text was also able to illustrade the lesson very well.  I enjoyed this reading because I was able to picture what I was reading using my life as an example. The part about the communication networks was also very helpful and refreshing. Working for sprint allows me to network alot too so it was nice to read about it. :)


1 comment:

  1. I liked this post because it is something that all of us should be able to relate to in one way or another. I myself could relate to it because just like you, i work at a company where you have to start at the bottom and find these "paths" in order to get higher up in the company. These channels are everywhere and its something we just have to live with. Communication is always going to be a part of our lives. I liked how you used your own experiences in yoru example because it helped make the concept more simple. You made it easier to understand because you made it easy to relate to for your readers.
