Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 3: Complex Arguments for Analysis

1.My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard. 2.People do not like living next door to such a mess. 3.He never drives any of them. 4.They all look old and beat up and leak oil all over the place. 5. It is bad for the neighborhood, and it will decrease property values.

Argument: Yes!
Conclusion: Sentence one: My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard
Additional Premises needed? No
Identify any sub argument: they all support the argument well, but they're not conclusions standing alone.
Good Argument? It has valid points but it's not really strong. its opinionated.

this exercise was strong, it was able to elaborate on how to read a strong argument and what points are important. however, theres still more to learn im not as comfortable with premises though.

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