Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 6: Chapter 6

Please discuss, in detail, what you learned from reading Chapter 6. Discuss at least 2 things you learned.

Chapter 6 of the Epstein book talks about "Compound Claims" as it is titled. This chapter is broken down into 2 parts: A. Consider the Alternatives and B. Conditionals. From the first part of the chapter, part A, i learned about what the contradictory of a claim. this opposing claim can be also referred to as the negation of a claim. A negation to a claim can be presented at any time when a claim is presented. For example, when you say "the car is black" the negations would be "the car is not black." this is a very simple concept. Now, in the second part of the chapter, part B, i learned about contradictory of a conditional. this is a bit more complicating to explain. i had to read it a few times. the example from the book states, "if A, then B has contradictory, A but not B" an example that i might use would be as follows; "its cold outside. he left without a sweater. if he left without a sweater then he got sick on the way to school." the contradictory of this claim would be: "it is could outside. i see he left to school without a sweater but he did not get sick on the way there." im not sure if this example is 100% correct, but thats what i got from the readings.


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