Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week 1: Prescriptive & Descriptive

The concept of both prescriptive and descriptive claims can be found on chapter 2. Prescriptive refers to a claim of what someone things something should be versus something that is as a descriptive claim represents. A prescriptive claim is for the most part based on someones opinion based while descriptive claim describes something based on facts. This also ties into what was discussed earlier with subjective and objective claims.

Both claims are important in a conversation, in particular in a debate. A Descriptive claim is weak when it is not supported by a prescriptive claim. If in a debate a descriptive claim stands alone, that opens up counter claims that can demolish due to the lack of support.


"Chewing gum is good for you" -Perscripted
it's based on an opinion and does not have any evidence to support WHY exactly chewing gum is good.

"Chewing SUGAR FREE gum is good for your teeth. It increases salivation and pulls little bits of lunch from the cracks of your teeth. These things helps clean your teeth." -Descriptive
this claim is supported by facts that can be helpful to make a claim STRONGG,



  1. Also, please remove comment moderation. Students should not be moderating their comments. Let me know if you have questions about this. :) Carol

  2. Hi Moe - thanks for removing comment moderation. I greatly appreciate it! :) Carol
