Thursday, August 26, 2010

Well, Hello there =]

Call me Moe! I'm an undeclared Sophomore here at SJSU at the age of 19. I was born and raised in the bay area and I am very outspoken when I feel a welcoming vibe from my surroundings. I have always been able to speak in front of both small and large crowds and composing speeches has become much more easy after my first comm. class. In this class I would like to learn how to become more familiar with how to become more of a critical thinker and knowing what details should be the ones I pay attention to. I have never taken an Online Course, therefore, I will also like to learn some discipline with my online work and studies. Some of my interests include shopping(just like almost every other girl) and trying new things. This past summer I made a point of it to learn new things and try new things. I also like to meet new people and ask them what their career goals are. I work in retail and see hundreds of people per week, talking to them one on one opens me to different cultures, ideas, and career interests. Not a bad idea for an Undeclared student :]

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