Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 1: Subjective & Objective Claims

Use an example from outside of the classroom. Discuss Subjective and Objective Claims. Give an example of a Subjective Claim you have heard or used recently AND give an example of an Objective Claim you have heard or used recently. Describe the situation. Describe the claims IN DETAIL.

Subjective and Objective Claims are complete opposite. A subjective claim is a claim that can vary or in other words, a claim based on an opinion; something than can be argued. Objective claim on the other hand is something that can be proven right or wrong based on facts; a factual claim. Examples of Subjective and Objective Claims can be as followed:

Subjective: "Cough Medicine tastes nasty."

Although Medicine may taste nasty to some, not everyone feels the same way. As weird as it may sound, some people like or don't mind taking cough medicine.

Objective: " Cough Medicine helps relieve pain and helps make the cough go away"

Self explanatory, this statement can be proven with medical facts!

A claim that can has an open end is subjective to change, its an opinion that someone else can counter and still make a valid claim. An objective claim is something that cannot be argued against because it is supported by a fact that is valid enough to make the claim strong. These claims are used daily without even thinking about it.


  1. Hello Moe,

    I found your examples for your two claims to be well described and agreeable. I like your subjective claim about cough medicine because everyone have their own personal opinion about the taste of it. For instance, I am one of those person that like the taste of cough medicine. Yes, I know it weird, maybe it’s due to my strange taste buds. Anyways, my subjective claim was pretty similar to yours but instead it’s about music. I also like your example for your objective claim because it was interesting how you explained it. From my point of view, I believe that your claims are superior to mine. I also like your last sentence as well because I started to noticed that I have been using these claims without even knowing it.


  2. When I read your post, I immediately thought that your examples were very helpful. Using cough medicines as your topic for both of your examples definitely made it easier for me see the difference between the two claims. It allowed me to understand the meaning of subjective and objective claims better.

    I always thought that cough medicines have a distinctive disgusting taste. It certainly affected how I think of cherry or grape flavored food. Each individual have their own point of view, some prefer liquid and others prefer pills. No matter how it taste, in the end medicines are meant to work the same way; to speed up recovery.

  3. When I read your post, I immediately thought that your examples were very helpful. Using cough medicines as your topic for both of your examples definitely made it easier for me see the difference between the two claims. It allowed me to understand the meaning of subjective and objective claims better.

    I always thought that cough medicines have a distinctive disgusting taste. It certainly affected how I think of cherry or grape flavored food. Each individual have their own point of view, some prefer liquid and others prefer pills. No matter how it taste, in the end medicines are meant to work the same way; to speed up recovery.

  4. I could not agree more with your post. Your definitions were extremely clear and make it easy to determine what you meant. Your claim about the cough medicine I felt was a good choice because it is something that everyone can relate to. Each person has their own opinion to the taste and their opinion does not really matter when it comes to an objective claim. I agree that these claims are used all the time without people noticing it. I sometimes find myself using these claims on a daily basis. The funny this is that I am sometimes the person who argues about certain things and in this case I argue mostly on subjective claims because it is just opinions.
