Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 8: Chapter 8

1.Please discuss, in detail, what you learned from reading Chapter 8. Discuss at least 2 things you learned.
Please explain the concepts and give a personal example or personal story for each.

In chapter eight of Critical Thinking, i read about both General claims as well as valid and invalid forms. general claims simply refers to claims that state something general about a part or all of the statement. its bit confusing but basically a general claim refers to a general thing that is not fully accurate or true. an example of this that happened in my personal life today actually is as follows; "all my cows produce alot of milk. my first cow, daisy, produced alot of milk. she was a great cow." (i was talking to a farm owner about something very random aha) im not sure that this FULLY falls into general claims but i THINK it does? if i understood the lesson correctly. The other part of what i read referred to valid and invalid forms. this part of the reading basically explains how to notice if whether a general claims is valid or invalid. using the same example i mentioned earlier, the elements i used were: a. all cows producing milk, b. producing alot of milk, and c. being a healthy cow. making this a general valid would rewuire the sentence to be structured a different way. im just still somewhat confused as to how, any suggestions?

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